1001 Creating Program Group and Icons.... 1002 Installation complete. 1003 Some files could not be installed because they are currently in use by other programs in the system. To allow for proper operation of the new program you should close all windows and applications and your system at this time. 1004 Restart Windows 1005 Setup 1006 QuickTime Setup 1007 Welcome to QuickTime 3.0 ! 1008 Couldn't get Operating System info. Installer will assume this is Windows 95. If NO then installer will quit. 1009 This program requires VGA or better resolution. 1010 Software License Agreement 1011 Please read the following license agreement. Use the scroll bar to view the rest of this agreement 1012 Do you accept all the terms of the preceding license agreement?\nIf so, click on the Yes button. If you select No, you will cancel the Setup. 1013 Setup Type 1014 Select what you would like to install. Then click Next to continue with the installation. 1017 Cannot create directory, Installation ending 1018 Create or Select Program Folder 1019 Failed to create the program folder! 1020 There is not enough space available on the disk 1021 Please free up some space or change the target location to a different disk. 1022 Copying QuickTime files... 1023 Unable to create a directory under 1024 Please check write access to this directory. 1025 General file transfer error. Please check your target location and try again. Error Number: 1026 QuickTime 1027 This component includes all the system software required to use QuickTime. 1029 QuickTime Sample Movie 1030 This component includes the sample movie. 1035 QuickTime 3.0 Components 1038 QuickTime Applications 1039 This component includes MoviePlayer and PictureViewer. 1055 Installation Components and Sub-Components 1056 Select or deselect main components that you wish to install from the list below. 1057 QuickTime Setup 1058 %P Setup is now complete. You can view the README file or view the Sample Movie now. Please choose the options you want below. 1059 Yes, I want to view the %P README file. 1060 Click Finish to complete QuickTime Setup. 1061 Yes, I want to view the Sample Movie. 1062 %P Setup is now complete. You can view the README file now. Please choose the option you want below. 1063 Yes, I want to view the %P README file. 1064 Unable to launch 1065 Failed to Create 1066 Failed to Delete 1067 Unable to modify Registry 1069 UnInstall QuickTime 3.0 1070 QuickTime 3.0 1071 QuickTime 3.0.2 1072 Control Panel 1073 Uninst.exe 1074 QuickTime Plugin for Web Browsers 1075 This component allows you to view QuickTime movies in web pages using your internet browser. 1080 The directory ' 1081 ' exists from a previous installation. Delete this directory? 1082 The file ' 1083 ' exists from a previous installation and should be removed. Delete this file? 1084 QuickTime cannot be installed on Windows 3.1. Windows 95 or Windows NT is required. 1085 QuickTime cannot be installed on Win32s. Windows 95 or Windows NT is required. 1086 QuickTime cannot be installed on Windows NT without Administrator privileges. 1087 QuickTime Movie 1088 Get QuickTime Pro.mov 1089 An additional 1090 KB is needed.